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(真佐子さんのブログはこちらです→http://www.angelstreehouse.jp/ )
























そして、どんな内容かわからずに、たまたまタイトルがいいなと思って選んだ映画は「Heven is for real」でした。この映画はまだ日本で公開されていません。
公式サイトはコチラ→http://www.heaven-is-for-real.jp/ )




















2014年10月24日 熱海の船井本社オフィスにて こだまゆうこ

マックス・クリスチャンセン氏のホームページはコチラ →http://www.primordialalchemist.com/

Experiencing the shaman work by Mr. Max Christensen

When I attended Kan.san's workshop in June of 2014, I was really impressed and decided I decided to take as many of his seminars as possible. It was around then that I found the announcement of shaman work by Max in Arizona on Kan. san's website. There it was written that everybody would be playing drums and doing the wolf dance and rain dance. It was a world totally unknown to me and I knew nothing about shamanism but I wanted to meet Max who was Kan. san's teacher so I signed up.

When I met with Max, he was a wonderful person unlike anyone I ever met before. His personality was completely different from Kan.san's. Both are so full of love and have such attractive qualities.

When I first visited Max's house, everything I saw was new to me. Placed near the altar were facial bones of some animals, fur, a skull made of crystal and a snake skin, many things that I normally perceived as being evil or frightening. In addition, there was a live snake and tarantulas he kept as pets.

Honestly speaking my first impression was that I had come to some place that was far from my anticipation. But looking into Max's eyes, I found them clear, beautiful and full of love and his physical frame emanated fresh, healthy aura, full of light. His partner Diana was also very beautiful, She had these beautiful eyes and a very sacred feel around her.

I became curious because there were these contrasting feelings, one that felt ominous to me that was around the altar and the other that felt sacred and fresh. From where did these feelings come?

Before work started, while the participants were paying for the seminar, Max told us stories in a very friendly way. He would ask smiling like a young boy, "Do you want to see the photos of Obake I took recently?" and he showed us many kinds of photos. He looked like he was having a good time. It looked like he loved the "Obake" and demons as much as he loved god and Buddha and people as well.

Then Max took out the baby snake from its cage and put it on his palm and asked, "Do you guys want to touch her? You have to be gentle." And he handed the snake over to the participants. I was scared of snakes so I did not offer my hand but the snake decided it wanted to come to me for some reason. "It looks like she wants to come to you", he said. So I offered my hand hesitantly in spite of my fear and the snake came on to my palm quite happily. That was when I realized that a snake could be cute. It was a happy moment when I realized I could consider the snake cute, that I came to like something that I hated before. Then each of the other participants had their turn holding the snake.

Max soon after took the tarantula out of its cage and put it on his palm. No, no way. It was defeat the second I took a look at it. Max actually did not say anything but his eyes felt like they were saying, "How about it? Don't you want to touch it ?"
I wished I liked it if that was possible but I was much too scared to offer my hand. This experience of not being able to have the tarantula in my hand left a deep impression on me.

I cannot write about the content of the four days' work because it is an ancient esoteric knowledge.
But during the four days, we laughed and cried, and experienced many many emotions at one time than normally possible and we learned a lot. May be because our body and mind had gone under gradual cleansing, my body would start shaking whenever I saw Max's face and it wouldn't stop. The shaking seems to help gradually clear up all that had stocked up in my mind.

The work was finished, he had signed my book and we were having a little chat when he added to say, "You need to open your heart more".

I wanted to go home happy but the last words pierced deep into my heart. No matter how I participated in the work with a happy face, my heart was closed for sure. So Max saw everything. I felt tight with emotion.

So here, I want to write about why my heart was closed.
This year in January, I was seven and a half month into my pregnancy when the baby died in my womb. That was eight months before this work. I had lost three babies before and I had been going to treatments to have another baby but I had lost this baby girl due to the umbilical chord getting twisted. It was four days after her death that my boss and my spiritual master, Yukio Funai, who had loved me like a father, had also died. I had lost two people I had loved more than anyone-else almost at the same time. I cannot express the deep sorrow and despair I had felt then.

But after the experience, I worked hard everyday to have a normal life and tried not to bother everyone by crying all the time. I had to work hard at it in order to have a normal social life, laughing like everything was okay.

Max had told me to open my heart more but I was working 100% at it already. I was doing my work efficiently, read more books than I could count, and I knew that the soul lives on. But the sadness would not go away. How can I try any harder ? How can I open my heart ? Questioning myself, it felt like lead in my heart and so together with happy times & memories, I was encountering sadness and loneliness when the last day came.

On the way home, on the plane, I was reading Max's book. In it he repeated the words, "Let go of the Mind. Mind is gravity."

I understand that my sorrow is heavy and is gravity. But no matter how I tried, I could not make the sorrow disappear. If there was a way to lighten up this gravity, I wanted to know how. I was venting some anger at Max in my mind at him, "It's easy to say it in words but there are just some things that are not possible".

I closed my book and eyes for a while and then started to look through the films on the flight. I chose a title that looked appealing, "Life is for real." This film had not opened in Japan yet.

The outline of story is that, a four year old son of a poor priest suffers from appendicitis and undergoes an operation, experiences death and tells about the world he saw on the other side when he awakens. This is a true story made into a film.

When I was casually looking at the film, there was a scene where the main characters, the priest and son cry like a wolf. It was just like when we did the wolf cry in the past four days and I felt the synchronicity.

When I continued to watch, the family goes far to visit a botanical garden and the daughter puts a tarantula on her palm. The son is too afraid to do the same. The moment I saw this scene, I felt something was happening that could not be explained by ordinary senses.

That day I did the wolf cry for real for the first time in my life and the same day I had wondered if I could put the tarantula on my palm. How many times could these particular situations rise in my life ? For me it was once and only once when I visited Max's house for the first time.

The impact of these two synchronicities led me to feel deep from my heart that the film was giving me some kind of message.

The adults find it hard to believe the four year old son who speaks of going to the other world and meeting Jesus and the angels. The father, confronted by the hostility of the conservative locals, really wants to believe his son, then his son says these incredible words.

"Mama, I didn't know I had two sisters in heaven. They died in your tummy when they were babies, right ? The two girls came to me in heaven and they told me that they were my big sisters and that they died in mommy's tummy. My big sisters told me they were looking after me from heaven and gave me hugs."

Hearing these words the mother and father who had indeed lost two babies were able to really believe their son's words as being true.

When I was watching the film, it was like my daughter was talking to me from Heaven yelling really loud, "See mommy ? It's just like in the film. You understand now? I'm okay, I'm in heaven. You don't need to be sad anymore. Let go of your mind" .

I was so surprised by the mischief of the universe, it felt like past, present and future, as well as that world and this world became one in my tiny seat on the airplane.

I tried turning back the clock many times, remembering the way Max presented that tarantula to me and how his eyes looked, wondering if he had known what was to happen . Or was it purely a coincidence? He could not know I would be seeing this film on the plane. But the timing and messages, it was all too perfect to be a coincidence. My head was whirling with all these questions.

And it became very apparent that the gravity of the sorrow in my heart had become lighter and my tears turned into those of gratitude.

I don't know what Max would say if he heard this story. He might laugh and say,
"I don't know about that. It's probably just a coincidence"
But for me, it does not really matter what he says. Whether if he knew it was going to happen or not, my sorrow did become lighter, and this miracle would not have happened without the work I did with Max.

I have changed a great deal since I got back from Max's work.
Not only did the sadness lessen but I have a better feel of why I am here on earth and I feel the support more than before of the world we cannot see. There are less things that I am scared of or things I dislike. My heart has opened more and I think I am more of my self.

Time flies and it's already been a month since the work with Max. Even though I am far from him in time and place, I feel he is still looking after me still. I also know that I have the support from not only Max but from Kan.san and other spiritual masters, and support from Chairman Funai and my daughter from the world beyond as well.

I am very thankful to Max and Diana who gave me this experience and insight, to Ruo san who did the translation, all the participants who took the workshop with me, all the company staff and family who let me go to the states for the whole week. Thank you all so much. I am hoping the story of my experience catches the eye of someone and he or she would feel something from it.

With all my love and gratitude,

Yuko Kodama



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